Corporate Social Responsibility

Support The Social Protection Center Of An Giang Province

October 2022

On October 3rd, 2022, with the aim of spreading the spirit of “Sharing Love To Everyone”, MM Mega Market Long Xuyen had a chance to visit and donate gifts to 250 lonely elderly people and 50 orphans who are being taken care of at the social protection center of An Giang province.

Coming to the Social Protection Center at noon, MM Mega Market Long Xuyen also brought lunch for everyone and sent spiritual encouragement to help the elderly as well as the children feel love from everyone. The sharing of love from the community at this time has become a great encouragement and extremely valuable to everyone here.

Through this activity, MM Mega Market Long Xuyen also supported food for the kitchen as well as necessities including washing powder, dishwashing liquid, floor cleaner, etc. with the desire to bring better living conditions to the disadvantaged people living here.



